Every day, I’ve practiced yoga and/or meditated for 46 years. This blog is an effort to celebrate these amazing practices, to share some of the fruits of these years of practice, and to explore what they offer us all.

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Carried away

Through yoga and meditation, we make the effort to turn towards the light. As we practice, we open our bodies, minds, and hearts to the power of practice. Like a boat with its sails filled by the wind. we, with our unfurled being, are carried by grace… carried away by love.

Feel the buzz

The same power of the universe that flies and buzzes the bee is at the base of our spine and flows through us becoming us. Buzz, buzzzzzz!


Even if we do not have a sweet tooth, we all like something sweet. Such are the blessings of our yoga and meditation practice. The practices hit our sweet spot. We can feel it. Think the end of class or what we notice after a good meditation. We know this space from practice, and we … Continue reading Sweet!

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