Carried away

Through yoga and meditation, we make the effort to turn towards the light.

As we practice, we open our bodies, minds, and hearts to the power of practice.

Like a boat with its sails filled by the wind. we, with our unfurled being, are carried by grace… carried away by love.


Even if we do not have a sweet tooth, we all like something sweet.

Such are the blessings of our yoga and meditation practice.

The practices hit our sweet spot. We can feel it. Think the end of class or what we notice after a good meditation.

We know this space from practice, and we can return to it again and again, not only in actual practice but versions of it in our lives.

This is the space of grace. We are graced by it echoing throughout our lives and sharing it with others.


The light that casts no shadows

The Light we encounter in yoga and meditation is different from that of the sun or a light bulb.

The latter naturally casts shadows.

But not the Light of yoga. It subsumes shadows, as well as the objects that could cast them.

The world scintillates with this Light. It lives this world from the inside out.

A light conversation

Most of us are almost always up for a little light conversation.

We come away feeling good, better humored, a little happier with the world.

In yoga and meditation, we also have a light conversation. As we practice, we are having this conversation with the life force that flows through us and is becoming our life, with the Light of our being. By the end of practice, we often end up feeling better, a little lighter in our being, better humored, a little more even keeled.

How about you? Are up for a light conversation?

Press pause

Life never really takes a pause. It is always… ALIVE!

However, when we practice yoga or meditation, we take a pause from our daily activity. We then can experience and examine and increase our awareness of this life force, the Prana Shakti, our dance partner that is giving us life.

This refreshed connection with the life force reconnects us to all of life… in nature, in our fellow humans, in all the myriad of forms it takes.

So press pause for a moment and deepen your experience of the mystery of life.

Press pause, and come more alive!

The real you

Is there any lifelong constant that is who we are throughout our entire life?

Our thoughts change. So too our emotions and our bodies. Our energetics change and even our personality and our likes and dislikes change some over time.

The witness is the only part of us that remains with us from birth throughout life to death. Through our yoga and meditation practices, we can discover and explore this witness.

It is who we really are.


Are you ready to discover and explore who you really are, your most authentic Self?

Gracious living

No, this is not the title of a southern women’s magazine!

It’s an honest inquiry.

What would happen if we were gracious for living?

Grateful for just being alive, like survivors of some great mishap that awakens us to the value of life.

We’d experience gracious living.

There’s yoga in this….


At the Passover dinner prayers, as God has granted numerous boons to the thwarted Jews, repeatedly the response to God is that any one of these blessings, in the face of hardships, would have been more than enough.

Such a humble and observant gratitude is at the heart of genuine gratitude.

Even with all that is difficult, such gratitude savors blessings. It truly appreciates.

Dayenu! “It would have been enough.”

Yoga and meditation foster such an attitude that notices and appreciates blessings. It does not expect our paths to be easy or without obstacles, but the practices foster a heart that helps us see our blessings and be full of wonder at them. And this gratitude helps us forge ahead in difficult situations or times.

Dayenu, y’all!

A very moving blog post

The power* that we meet in yoga and meditation can move mountains.

It already has.

It moves us also, and everything else.

As we practice, this same power moves us deeper into our being, into our heart–into our love, compassion, joy, and deep respect. This power can spontaneously make us sing, dance, cry, leap for joy, laugh…. and really change!

It is, after all, very moving!

*In yoga, known as Prana Shakti or Kundalini Shakti.